



来源于Nikolaus J. Kurmayer | EURACTIV.com


2023年9月20日 (更新:  2023年9月21日)

In the wake of longstanding complaints of greenwashing by consumer advocates, EU institutions finalised a new law on Tuesday (19 September) enacting a sweeping ban to combat the misleading of its citizens through erroneous claims of sustainability.

In March 2022, the European Commission proposed a law to empower consumers, which, following the conclusion of negotiations between EU countries and Parliament, will now ban companies from claiming that their products are climate-neutral.

在消费者权益倡导者长期以来对 "洗绿 "行为的投诉之后,欧盟机构于本周二(9 月 19 日)敲定了一项新法律,颁布了一项全面禁令,以打击通过错误的可持续发展声明误导公民的行为。

2022 年 3 月,欧盟委员会提出了一项赋予消费者权力的法律,经过欧盟国家和议会之间的谈判,该法律现在将禁止公司声称其产品是气候中性的。

“We have achieved an excellent deal for consumers,” said the S&D’s Biljana Borzan, a Croatian EU lawmaker who spearheaded the negotiations on behalf of Parliament.

The law, which still requires final approval by EU countries and the parliament’s plenary assembly – a formality – will be felt from 2026, as EU countries will be given two years’ time to adopt the changes.

"代表议会牵头谈判的克罗地亚欧盟立法者、塞尔维亚民主党(S&D)的比利亚纳-博尔赞(Biljana Borzan)说:"我们为消费者达成了一项极好的协议。

由于欧盟国家将有两年的时间来通过这些修改,因此该法律将从 2026 年起生效,但仍需欧盟国家和议会全体会议的最终批准,这只是一种形式。

Greenwashing, the practice of making misleading claims as to a product’s climate friendliness, is expected to cease rather quickly. “We are clearing the chaos of environmental claims, which will now have to be substantiated, and claims based on emissions offsetting will be banned,” said Borzan.

In practice, the changes will mean that companies are effectively prohibited from making such claims altogether. 



“There is no such thing as ‘carbon-neutral’ or ‘CO2 neutral’ cheese, plastic bottles, flights or bank accounts. Carbon-neutral claims are greenwashing, plain and simple,” said Ursula Pachl, the deputy director of EU consumer advocates BEUC.

Frequent fliers may soon notice changes in airlines’ booking interfaces, where suspiciously cheap carbon offsetting offers will no longer be allowed to sell “climate-neutral” flying. After all, carbon offsetting is a practice reviled by activists for the rampant fraud in the industry and its non-permanent nature.

"不存在'碳中性'或'二氧化碳中性'的奶酪、塑料瓶、航班或银行账户。欧盟消费者权益保护组织(BEUC)副主任乌苏拉-帕克尔(Ursula Pachl)说:"碳中性的说法是一种绿色营销,简单明了。

经常乘坐飞机的乘客可能很快就会注意到航空公司订票界面的变化,在这些界面上,可疑的低价碳抵消报价将不再被允许出售 "气候中和 "航班。毕竟,碳抵消是一种受到活动家抨击的做法,因为该行业欺诈行为猖獗,而且具有非永久性。

“The EU is sending a powerful signal to the voluntary carbon market: the era of offsetting is over,” said Gilles Dufrasne, policy lead at Carbon Market Watch.

The new law will also firm up rules around environmental claims, which will have to be backed by proof of recognised performance. Widespread product affixes like “Eco” and “natural” will need to be backed by solid evidence.


新法律还将加强有关环保声明的规定,这些声明必须有公认的性能证明作为支持。像 "Eco "和 "natural "这样广泛使用的产品标签必须有确凿的证据支持。

“The agreement is good news for all who want to shop sustainably,” cheered Anna Cavazzini, a green EU lawmaker in charge of the consumer protection committee.

Similarly important – product labels are slated to receive a major boost as well. Expected product lifetime will need to be declared by their sellers. “It’s important that consumers are informed on how long a washing machine or TV is expected to last,” said Pachl.

In practice, the impacts of the measure are far from certain. “Companies are smart, and we’ll need to observe how they react to this,” said Elisa Martellucci of the standards group Ecos.

"负责消费者保护委员会的欧盟绿色立法者安娜-卡瓦齐尼(Anna Cavazzini)欢呼道:"这项协议对所有希望以可持续方式购物的人来说都是好消息。


实际上,这项措施的影响还远不确定。"标准组织 Ecos 的 Elisa Martellucci 说:"企业都很聪明,我们需要观察它们对此的反应。

One down, two remain

The adopted law is one of three designed to make products fit for a Europe heading towards climate neutrality. While their proponents cheered the success of the law empowering consumers, its two sister-laws are in danger of drowning in the hubbub of the looming EU elections.

“All untrustworthy green claims must be eradicated,” stressed the standards group Ecos, pressing for the EU to make progress on two related laws: the green claim directive and the carbon removal certification framework. 

Both laws were proposed in March 2023 and progress has been described as “slow.”




这两项法律都是在 2023 年 3 月提出的,进展被称为 "缓慢"。

[Nathalie Weatherald编辑]



